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Fishawack Health founded in 2001 supports 100+ clients from 14+ locations globally with 1000 Specialists. Fishawack Health is created around their core capabilities – medical communications, consulting and commercial – individually exceptional, yet designed for dynamic collaboration. All three are built on the foundations of world-class insight, strategy and creativity, along with the expertise in technology, digital and data, vital to any commercial engagement today. Fishawack Health used a CertiKit toolkit to become GDPR compliant, and below they explain their successful implementation.

Fishawack Health Logo

Reason for compliance

It was important for Fishawack Health to be compliant across all areas of governance for a number of reasons. Their global clients demand that they fulfil compliance obligations and as a part of their core commitments they demand high standards internally across all compliance and cybersecurity areas. They also have a responsibility to their team members to operate in a compliant manner, and to allow them to have confidence in their ethical approach to all areas of the business.

Finding the right solution

Jo Wilkinson, Fishawack Health’s Head of Compliance explains, “We gathered a lot of material and advice from a wide range of sources to seek our correct path to meet our compliance goals with regard to the changes around data protection. CertiKit’s GDPR toolkit was an excellent final piece of the puzzle for us to cross-check and align with great consistency to complete the work we had put together.”

The process

The team found the GDPR toolkit a great help, with the structured folders relating to each section of the regulation. “Using the toolkit we were able to systematically pick through and deliver all of the documentation and process areas we needed, picking up the toolkit updates as we continued through the year. We have no doubt that using the toolkit decreased the time we spent during this initial phase and still supports part of the compliance work we do every year.”

Continued compliance

With the help of the GDPR toolkit, it took Fishawack Health six months to meet their compliance goals, and they continue to maintain and update this on an annual basis. The team also purchased CertiKit’s Cyber Essentials toolkit to help integrate their cybersecurity and data protection processes and continue to use the materials for ongoing compliance.


(Case study written 31st March 2021)



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