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CertiKit's Annual Survey Results 2023

It’s that time of year again when we have crunched the numbers from our annual customer feedback survey and the results are in…

Here at CertiKit our aim is to make compliance simple and effective with our comprehensive toolkits and ISO services. Our toolkit range is focused on ISO standards, cyber security and data protection and is used within businesses all over the world.

Blog image showing computer screen with CertiKit's annual survey results 2023

Throughout the year, we gather valuable feedback from our customers to see what we are doing well, what we can improve on and what products and services would be most useful, and we’ve put together a summary of the results below.

We’re pleased to say another good year for feedback with 90% of customers rating our toolkits an 8 out of 10, or higher!

The headline stats

  • 90% of customers surveyed scored our toolkits an 8 out of 10, or higher. 
  • 92% of customers purchased our toolkits because of the quality of the content within the toolkit.
  • 71% of customers surveyed agreed they saved more than 21 days of time using the toolkit and 30% of customers agreed the toolkit saved them more than 40 days of time.  
  • 79% of customers surveyed agreed the toolkits were easy to use. 
  • The top 3 reasons our customers purchase a CertiKit toolkit are:
    • The quality of the content within the toolkit
    • Downloadable documents that are editable offline
    • Single payment to use documents for as long as you wish
  • 85% of customers surveyed used the toolkits to become certified or are planning to become certified to an ISO Standard or the Cyber Essentials scheme.


A toolkit for all organizations

Our feedback has continued to confirm that our toolkits and services are used by organizations of all sizes from micro to large. The versatile documents and unlimited use within the company make it easy for any organization to use the toolkit contents. This is great news as the toolkits were developed with all organization sizes in mind.

  • Micro (1-10 employees) – 22%
  • Small (11-50 employees) – 22%
  • Medium (51-500 employees) – 33%
  • Large (500 + employees) 23%

Size of org chart. CertiKit's annual survey 2023

What our customers are saying about our toolkits…

We’ve had some great feedback from our customers on the quality of our toolkits; here are just a few of the comments we’ve had…

“They are well structured, comprehensive and cover all the requirements of the standard. The kit has everything needed to implement an ISMS and saves me hours of typing.” Blue Phoenix Systems Pty Ltd, Australia

“Complete documentation package that saves us a lot of time in ISO27001 preparation.” Printful, Latvia

“The formatting is really good, easy to read and looks smart. The toolkit is really easy to put into place.” Systems Secure Ltd, UK

“The support is excellent and responsive. Ken is very helpful in his field and always provides detailed answers to my questions.” SupplierGATEWAY, USA

Continual improvement

Our aim is to make compliance as easy as possible for new and current customers. By gaining feedback we can fine tune our offerings to provide products and services that meet our customers’ needs in the best way. Our toolkits are updated regularly to ensure they’re accurate, up to date with legislation and relevant to the most recent version of a standard or Regulation.

Our next scheduled updates are to the ISO27701 toolkit for a Privacy Information Management System to align to the new standard that is due out within the next couple of months and the EU GDPR toolkit in response to the recent adequacy decision for the EU US Data Privacy Framework.

We’ve gained valuable feedback on what toolkits and services would be useful for our customers, and rest assured we use our customer answers when deciding on new product and service developments.

Thank you for the feedback

Ken Holmes, CertiKit’s Managing Director says, “As always, we really value the thoughts and opinions of our customers, and use them as the driving force to develop better existing products and to innovate with new ones.”

If you missed the annual feedback survey, but would like to share your thoughts on our products and/or services, we are always welcoming on-going feedback from our customers. Email your feedback to: [email protected].

More about CertiKit

CertiKit is a provider of compliance toolkits, ISO consultancy and ISO internal auditing services, and has helped more than 4000 organizations worldwide with their compliance.

We’ve helped more than 7000 businesses with their compliance


The sample documents are very rich in their scope. Our attorneys have reviewed our edits and can find no fault with what is presented.

Institute for Supply Management

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