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Telenova Ltd are based in the UK, and provide services to advise, design, deliver and support telecom network infrastructure.

Telenova decided to certify to the ISO14001 standard for an Environmental Management System (EMS) for a variety of reasons, including to increase environmental awareness amongst staff members and to confirm their compliance to customers and other stakeholders.

Michal Ciak, Operations Manager, shares how they certified with help from a CertiKit ISO14001 toolkit.


Telenova Logo

Finding the Right Solution

They considered multiple options, including other toolkit providers and consultancy to help with their ISO14001 certification. However, having used CertiKit’s toolkits in the past to meet other compliance objectives, they were impressed by the toolkit documents and the support provided, so decided once again to choose CertiKit.

The Process

The Telenova team decided to seek assistance part way through their implementation, and this helped the project move forward. The team spent on average twenty hours per week on the project, and this reduced as more of the standard’s requirements were met.

As with many ISO Standards, some of the requirements can be time consuming especially those that require checking multiple data sources. However, the pre-formatted spreadsheets within the toolkit made the process of capturing data easier for the team.

The team cite the Gap Assessment Spreadsheet and the Internal Audit documents as some of the most useful content when preparing for certification, Michal adds, “It helped us cover some vital points.”


Following a six-month implementation, Telenova successfully certified to the ISO14001 standard, congratulations.

Certifying to the standard has not only allowed them to showcase their compliance and improve their environmental impact, but it has also had positive benefits in other areas, including tidying up processes and updating existing policies and work instructions with the standard’s requirements.

What’s next?

Telenova plan on certifying to ISO45001 for an Occupational Health and Safety Management System next. Having already purchased the CertiKit ISO45001 toolkit to help them, they hope to meet their compliance objectives soon.

Best of luck with your next certification!



(Case study published on 8th November 2023)


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